AMA does not alphabetize the References Page. Instead, items on the References Page are arranged in the order in which they are cited in the text. This system is further reinforced by the numbering of the references (Sec. 3.5).
Reference number. Author last name, initials. Title.
City of Publication: publisher; year of publication.
Book - print - one author Sec. 3.12.2:
1. Sacks, O. Uncle Tungsten. New York, NY:
Alfred A. Knopf; 2001.
Book - print - multiple authors Sec. 3.7:
List all authors up to six authors. For more than six authors, list the first three followed by "et. al."
1. Klaus, EE, Duda, JL, Naidu, SK, Munro, RG,
Hsu, SM. Formation of Lubricating Films at
Elevated Temperatures from the Gas Phase.
Gaithersburg, MD: US Department of
Commerce, National Institute of Standards
and Technology; 1988.
2. Nelson, A, Sanchez, A, Aaron, J, et. al.
Batman: Joker's Asylum. New York, NY:
DC Comics; 2008.
Book - online Sec. 3.15.2 & 3.15.8:
The current style guidelines for databases require identifying the database in brackets after the author names (Sec. 3.15.8). However, most style guides omit this when discussing e-books.
1. Bender, DA. Netlibrary [database online].
Bender's Dictionary of Nutrition and Food
Technology. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press;
2006. Accessed July
13, 2009.
1. Bender, DA. Bender's Dictionary of
Nutrition and Food Technology. Boca
Raton, FL: CRC Press; 2006. Accessed July 13,
Book - editors and translators Sec. 3.12.5:
1. Mahan, K, Escott-Stump, S, eds. Krause's
Food, Nutrition, and Diet Therapy. 10th ed.
Philadelphia, PA: W. B. Saunders; 2000.
2. Plato. The Laws. Taylor, EA, trans-ed.
London, England: JM Dent & Sons Ltd; 1934.
Corporate Authorship
There are different versions available to use as a guideline.
If the corporate author and the publisher are the same entity, you may omit the author and start the reference with the title.
If the corporate author and the publisher aredifferent, arrange as closely to a book with regular authors as much as possible.
1. National Research Council. Beyond Six Billion:
Forecasting the World's Population. Washington,
DC: National Academy; 2000.
Chapter in a book Sec. 3.12.4:
Note the unusual capitalization, or lack thereof.
This model is basically the APA style.
1. Solensky, R. Drug allergy: desensitization and
treatment of reactions to antibiotics and aspirin.
In: Lockey, P, ed. Allergens and Allergen
Immuno-therapy. 3rd ed. New York, NY: Marcel
Dekker; 2004.
The following is same as a chapter in a book.
You also need to include inclusive page numbers (Sec. 3.12.4)
1. Kerridge, R. Ecological Hardy. In: Armbruster, K,
Wallace, K, Beyond nature writing: expanding the
boundaries of ecocriticism. Charlottesville, VA:
University Press of Virginia; 2001: 126-142.
Special Editions Sec. 3.12.7:
1. Green, M, ed. Bright Futures: National Guidelines for
Health Supervision of Infants, Children, and Adolescents.
2nd rev ed. Arlington, VA: National Center for Education
in Maternal and Child Health; 2002.
Reference Books
1. hanging. In: Bell, S. Encyclopedia of Forensic Science.
New York, NY: Facts on File, 2008.
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