Many of the Frazar Memorial Library databases are purchased in part or in full through the cooperative buying power as a member of LOUIS, the Louisiana Library Network. In addition to the library’s online catalog, LOUIS provides access to more than 72,000 scholarly items.
To learn more about LOUIS, visit www.louislibraries.org
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Search Discovery for Books and Articles
Search Discovery by Subject
Abstracts in Social Gerontology This index contains more than 35,700 records indexing essential areas related to social gerontology, including the psychology of aging, elder abuse, society and the elderly, and other key areas of relevance to the discipline. Coverage is from 1990 to the present.
Academic Search Complete This link opens in a new windowIncludes articles covering most subjects. You can limit searches by peer-review/scholarly and full-text.
Academic Video Online: Premier Video subscription service containing thousands of award-winning film and video titles (not just clips) in a wide range of disciplines. Publishers include A&E, BBC, Bloomberg, British Film Institute, HBO, PBS, WBGH Boston, and many others.
African-American Newspapers, 1827-1998 This link opens in a new windowGood History database to use for primary sources. There are few search options other than keyword searching. Use quotation marks around search terms for better results.
African American Historical Serials Collection More than 170 unique periodical titles and 60,000 pages of searchable primary source content related to the history of African American life and culture, with extensive coverage of religious organizations, churches, and institutions. Material published between 1829 and 1922.
Agricola This link opens in a new windowThis agriculture/ animal science database contains peer-review/scholarly and "other" articles and documents. You can only limit searches to full-text.
Agricultural Periodicals from the Northeastern U.S., 1789-1879 This link opens in a new windowAgricultural periodicals from the Southern, Midwestern, and Western U.S., 1800-1878 focuses on agriculture during the 19th Century.
Alt HealthWatch This link opens in a new windowThis database provides articles for topics in Health care and wellness, including contemporary and alternative approaches. Searches can be limited to peer-review/ scholarly articles and full-text.
America's Historical Newspaper--Louisiana State This link opens in a new windowThis database includes a handful of Louisiana newspapers 1850s-1980s. There is a heavy concentration on New Orleans in the Post Civil War Period.
American Chemical Society Publications Contains full-text articles of journals published by the American Chemical Society from 1996 to the present. Users can browse an A-Z list of titles or view by subject area, in addition to standard searching.
American Press Online access to Lake Charles newspaper. Click "E-Edition" link on paper's website to access online edition. Contains most recent four months of daily papers.
Art & Architecture Complete This link opens in a new windowArt & Architecture Complete is a robust art research database providing full-text art journals, magazines and books, plus detailed indexing and abstracts. Useful for artists, art scholars and designers, it covers fine, decorative and commercial art, as well as architecture and architectural design.
Art Index Retrospective Covering contemporary art history, this database allows users to search journals, yearbooks, and museum bulletins.
Bayou State Periodical Index This link opens in a new windowThis database indexes articles related to Louisiana History. It does not provide full-text articles. The database indexes both popular and scholarly periodicals. Users may search by title; but there is not an option to limit searches by peer-review/ scholarly articles.
Biological Abstracts This link opens in a new windowThis database offers few full-text articles. Most full-text articles are transcribed and not PDF formatted. Users cannot limit searches to peer-reviewed articles; but can limit searches to peer-reviewed journals. The difference being that peer-reviewed journals contain book reviews, editorials, and other non-peer-reviewed content.
BioOne This bibliographic database is an indexed and fully-searchable collection of abstracts that link to fulltext articles available from the BioOne organization. BioOne provides a unique aggregation of over 82 high-impact bioscience research journals from more than 66 publishers.
Book Collection: Nonfiction This database provides abstracts and full text to "popular nonfiction" books in many disciplines including social studies, science, sports, "adventure," and technology.
Book Review Digest Plus (H.W. Wilson) This link opens in a new windowMore than 600,000 full-text book reviews on a wide range of topics from a variety of sources, including newspapers, review journals and popular magazines, with more than 50,000 new reviews added each year. Coverage dating back to 1983.
Books In Print This database offers bibliographic information on 17 million books. Entries often include cover art, reviews, previews, contents, awards, author biographies, and more. All entries are available full-text.
Business Source Complete This is the leading business database offering articles in the fields of accounting, economics, finance, marketing, and management. Users may limit searches to full-text and peer-reviewed/ scholarly articles. Also available are country profiles, company profiles, SWOT analyses, industry reports, and more.
Checkpoint This database allows access to information in the fields of accounting and tax research. Users can access full-text items such as rulings, regulations, tables, rates, and other tax documentation.
CINAHL Complete This is one of the leading databases for information on topics in Nursing and Health-related fields. Users can limit searches to full-text and peer-review/ scholarly articles.
Cochrane Library The Cochrane Library is a collection of six databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making, and a seventh database that provides information about groups in The Cochrane Collaboration.
Cochrane Summaries This database focuses on human-based research into health care and health policy. This database reviews clinical trial studies and then summarizes the results. They do not provide citations to the peer-reviewed studies.
Communication and Mass Media Complete This database provides articles on topics related to communications, journalism, and public relations. Users can limit searches to full-text and peer-review/ scholarly articles.
Communication Source This link opens in a new windowCommunication Source includes coverage of more than 1,000 core titles and features full text for more than 600 active periodicals, including 150 full-text titles not found in other EBSCO academic databases. The database offers abstracts and indexing as well as full-text content from publications worldwide pertaining to communication, linguistics, rhetoric and discourse, speech-language pathology, media studies and related fields.
Computer Source This database provides articles on topics related to computers, programming, robotocs, software, technology, and related fields. Users can limit searches to full-text and peer-review/ scholarly articles.
CQ Researcher CQ Researcher is developed by the Library of Congress's Research Division. They compose original, thorough, and unbiased analyses on many controversial, economic, environmental, political, and social issues. Although not peer-reviewed, each entry is generally considered to be authoritative as it is developed by the U.S. Government. All entries are available in full-text.
Credo Reference Credo Reference is a completely customizable online reference solution for learners and librarians. It offers searching of 3,456,067 full text articles in 829 reference books from 109 publishers.
Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text The Criminal Justice Abstracts database provides comprehensive coverage of criminal justice, criminology, and related disciplines from 1968 to the present, and is updated quarterly. Prepared in co-operation with the Don M. Gottfredson Library of Criminal Justice at Rutgers University Law Library, Criminal Justice Abstracts covers crime trends, crime prevention and deterrence, juvenile delinquency, juvenile justice, police, courts, punishment and sentencing.
Dissertations and Theses This link opens in a new windowThis databases indexes and offers previews to PhD dissertations and Master's theses, especially for topics in the social sciences and nursing and health care fields. The previews generally include a table of contents. All documents should be peer-reviewed/ scholarly; but access is available through ILL or direct purchase.
DSM Library (American Psychiatric Association) The DSM Library consists of three resources: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), used by clinicians and researchers to diagnose and classify mental disorders; DSM-5 Handbook of Differential Diagnoses, a guide to differential diagnoses for clinicians and students learning psychiatric diagnosis; and DMS-5 Clinical Cases, which presents cases that exemplify the mental disorders categorized in the DSM-5.
Ebsco eBook Collection The databases formerly known as NetLibrary, Ebsco eBook Collection allows access to digital books.
Educational Administration Abstracts This database provides articles on topics related to education leadership, management, and research. Users can limit searches to full-text and peer-review/ scholarly articles. A large portion of the database does offer full-text articles.
Education Research Complete This database provides articles on topics related to all levels of education, administration, funding, testing, and more. Users can limit searches by full-text and peer-reviewed/ scholarly articles.
E-Duke Journals Scholarly Collection This link opens in a new windowProvides online access to over fifty Duke University Press journals in the humanities and social sciences.
Environment Complete This link opens in a new windowEnvironment Complete contains nearly 4 million records from more than 2,200 domestic and international titles going back to 1888 (including over 1,350 active core titles) as well as more than 190 monographs. The database also contains full text for more than 1,200 journals.
ERIC (EBSCOhost) This is the premier database on topics related to education. The EBSCOhost version includes more full-text content than the government version. Users can limit searches by full-text and peer-review/ scholarly articles.
ERIC (Government) This database provides articles on topics related to education. This government-sponsored site offers less content than the EBSCOhost version. Users can limit searches to full-text articles.
European Views of the Americas: 1493 to 1750 EBSCO Publishing, in cooperation with the John Carter Brown Library, has created this resource from “European Americana: A Chronological Guide to Works Printed In Europe Relating to The Americas, 1493-1750,” the authoritative bibliography that is well-known and respected by scholars worldwide. The database contains more than 32,000 entries and is a comprehensive guide to printed records about the Americas written in Europe before 1750.
Family Studies Abstracts EBSCO has digitized the full archive of this index, bringing coverage back over 30 years. The index contains tens of thousands of records, which are carefully selected from the most important sources within the discipline.
FDSys This database provides access to publications by the U.S. Government. Most documents are full-text. Congressional documents include anything that Congress has investigated or studied. Coverage goes back to the 1980s.
Film & Television Literature Index with Full Text This link opens in a new windowFilm & Television Literature Index with Full Text is the pinnacle resource for researchers of film and television, providing the most comprehensive collection of full text from scholarly and popular sources and spanning the entire spectrum of film and television studies. Subjects include cinematography, film and television history, preservation and restoration, reviews, screenwriting, and technical aspects. Provides cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts for more than 300 publications and selected coverage of 300 more.
Fold3 Specializes in historical military records, primarily from the United States. Contains African American Archives, which includes over one million pages of original historical documents pertaining to the African American experience.
Fuente Académica This database provides articles on topics related to business, law, literature, medicine, social science, and science. All articles are in Spanish or Portugese. Users can limit searches to full-text and peer-reviewed/ scholarly articles.
Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia This database is an online encyclopedia covering many topics. All entries are full text with some images available.
Gale Group Main Menu Gale offers several full text databases. The comprehensive databases mostly consist of resources from the literary discipline.
Gale In Context: Biography This link opens in a new windowPreviously known as Biography In Context, this resource provides full-text articles from many reference books available through Gale Publishing. These are not peer-reviewed/ scholarly entries. However, they are generally considered to be authoritative and well-written, and documented.
Gale eBooks Previously known as Gale Virtual Reference Library, this database offers access to online almanacs, directories, encyclopedias, and related reference works. Entries are full-text with some images available.
GeoRef This database provides articles on topics related to erosion, geology, volcanoes, wind, and more. Users can limit searches by full-text.
GreenFile This database provides articles on topics related to global warming, green architecture, recycling, sustainable practices, and more. Users can limit searches to full-text and peer-reviewed/ scholarly articles.
Health Source: Nursing/ Academic Edition This database provides articles on topics related to medicine, nursing, nursing ethics, pediatrics, research, and more. Users can limit searches to full-text and peer-reviewed/ scholarly articles.
History Reference Center This database provides articles and essays on topics related to American and World History. Coverage relies heavily on a collection of encyclopedias. Users may limit searches to full-text and peer-reviewed/ scholarly articles
Homeland Security Digital Library This database provides access to mostly essays on topics related to crime, gangs, law enforcement, police, terrorism, and more. All documents are available in full-text. These are not peer-reviewed.
Hospitality and Tourism Index This database provides articles on topics related to foods and beverages, hotel management, restaurant management, tourism, and more. Users can limit searches to full-text and peer-reviewed/ scholarly articles.
Humanities International Complete This database provides access to articles on topics related to art, fiction, literature, philosophy, poetry, and more. Emphasis is on 20th Century Humanities. Users cannot limit searches by full-text articles. Users may limit searches to peer-reviewed/ scholarly articles.
Human Resources Abstracts The index contains more than 470,000 records, which are carefully selected from the most important sources within the discipline. EBSCO has digitized the full archive of this index, bringing coverage back to 1975.
IEEE Xplore This database provides abstracts, articles, and indexes on topics related to computer science, electrical engineering, and electronics. Users cannot limit searches to full-text and peer-reviewed/ scholarly articles. The Journals option includes non-peer-reviewed trade publications.
Information Science and Technology Abstracts (ISTA) This database provides articles on topics related to cataloging, classification, information storage and retrieval, scholarly communication, searching, and more. Users can limit searches to full-text and peer-reviewed/ scholarly articles.
JSTOR This database provides articles on topics related to Anthropology, Economics, Folklore, History, performing Arts, Psychology, and Social Sciences in general. Users can limit searches to peer-reviewed/ scholarly articles by selecting "articles" in the advanced search option.
Learning Express This database provides access to study guides and practice exams for Civil Service employees, ESLI, GED, Math, Reading Comprehension, and more. Users need to register to create their own free accounts.
Legal Source This link opens in a new windowProviding indexing and full-text coverage of the most respected scholarly law journals, Legal Source is the authoritative database for current issues, studies, thoughts and trends of the legal world. It is an excellent resource for attorneys, educators, business people, law librarians, students, paralegals and others involved with the law.
Library, Information Science and Technology Abstracts This database provides articles on topics related to cataloging, classification, information storage and retrieval, library science, and more. Users can limit searches to full-text and peer-reviewed/ scholarly articles.
Literary Reference Center Plus This link opens in a new windowThis robust full-text database provides the most relevant information on thousands of authors and their works across literary disciplines and timeframes. It gives students, teachers and librarians a complete foundation of literary reference works to meet their research needs.
Literati by Credo Literati by Credo is an integrated reference resource center which searches across many online resources automatically and quickly, displaying information in a visually appealing manner. Content includes dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other reference materal.
Literature Resource Center Access to biographies, bibliographies and critical analyses of authors from every age and literary discipline. Includes materials from Contemporary Authors, Literary Criticism sets (19th, 20th, & contemporary) and Dictionary of Literary Biography.
LOC Performing Arts Digital Library This database is part of the Library of Congress' American Memory Project. This particular collection provides documents, audio films, and video files on topics such as music, cinema, biographies, dancing, African-American, and more.
Louisiana Digital Library This database provides articles, images, and primary documents on topics related to various topics on Louisiana History. Topics include Art, Community, Government, People, Religion, Work, and more. Most documents are archival resources and not subject to peer-review.
MAS Complete This link opens in a new windowFull-text database providing hundreds of popular magazines and reference books. Covering subjects such art, history, sports and music, it also includes thousands of biographies and primary source documents, plus over a million photos, maps and flags.
MasterFILE Complete This link opens in a new windowMasterFILE Complete offers the largest collection of popular full-text magazines, reference books and other highly-regarded sources from the world's leading publishers. Covering virtually every general interest subject area, it also includes an extensive collection of photos, maps and flags.
MathSciNet This database provides reviews for articles on topics in mathematics. The reviews are full-text. Some full-text articles and papers are available. This database is primarily an index.
MedicLatina This database provides articles on topics related to clinical research, health care, pediatrics, and more. Articles are in Spanish. Users can limit searches to full-text and peer-reviewed/ scholarly articles.
Content is in English, Spanish, and Portugese.
Medline This database provides articles on topics related to dentistry, health care, medicine, nursing, veterinary science, and more. Users can limit searches to full-text articles.
Mental Measurements Yearbook This database provides reviews on over 4,000 exams that measure education, intelligence, personality, psychology, speech, and related topics. Users can limit searches to full-text documents.
Military and Government Collection This database provides articles on topics related to History, Law enforcement, Military Science, Politics, and more. Users can limit searches to full-text and peer-reviewed/ scholarly articles.
MLA Directory of Periodicals This database provides information about the periodicals indexed in the MLA International Bibliography. Entries describe publication frequency, peer-review, scope, submission guidelines, and more.
MLA International Bibliography This database provides access to articles on topics related to folklore, history, language, performing arts, and more. Most articles are in English. Users can limit searches to full-text and peer-reviewed/scholarly articles.
Naxos Music Library This link opens in a new windowA streaming database of over 2.6 million tracks from over 170,000 discs of classical, jazz, folk, and world music.
An online library of classical, jazz, world, & soundtrack music currently offering streaming access to more than 172,801 CDs with more than 2,702,061 high quality music tracks.
Newspaper Source Plus This link opens in a new windowFull-text digital collection of the world's major news content. It includes millions of articles from newspapers, newswires and news magazines. In addition, it offers television and radio transcripts and ongoing daily updates from popular news sources.
Nexis Uni Formerly LexisNexis Academic. Features more than 15,000 full-text news, business, and legal sources, including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790. Coverage includes current events, politics, social issues, and more. Most documents are not peer-reviewed or scholarly.
Nursing & Allied Health Source This link opens in a new windowThis database is focused on practical applications more than research-based inquiries. Topics focus on communications and interactions with patients rather than Informatics or Nursing Competencies. Users may narrow search results to full-text availability and peer-reviewed documents.
Open Textbook Library A collection of approximately 280 free online college textbooks on a wide range of academic subjects. The textbooks have been written and reviewed for accuracy by faculty at various colleges and universities and are freely available to anyone to read and print. Titles may be accessed by following the link above and through the library's catalog. The Open Textbook Library is a project of the Open Textbook Network, with technical support statewide from LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network. No special login is required from off campus.
Oxford African American Studies Center This database provides access to articles, images, and documents on topics related to African-Americans, Africana, Women, Biography, and more. All material is full-text. Users cannot limit search to scholarly/ peer-reviewed articles.
Oxford English Dictionary The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is widely regarded as the accepted authority on the English language. It is an unsurpassed guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of 600,000 words— past and present—from across the English-speaking world.
Oxford Music Online This database provides access to articles on topics related to composers, criticism, instruments, music, theory, and more. There are links to other sites offering audio-visual material. Not all entries are scholarly/ peer-reviewed. Users may limit searches to full-text articles.
Peace Research Abstracts The index contains more than 267,000 records, which are carefully selected from the most important sources within the discipline, such as: Journal of Peace Research, Journal of Conflict Resolution, International Journal of Refugee Law, etc. EBSCO has digitized the full archive of this index, including coverage dating back to 1964.
Philosopher's Index The definitive source for scholarly literature in the field of philosophy. Although primarily an index, this database also contains full-text articles as well.
Pop Culture Universe This database provides articles on topics related to popular culture in United States History. Browsing is best done by decade and selecting a theme from the menu on the left side of the screen. Topics include, biography, cinema, news, sports, trends, and more. Articles are full-text; but not scholarly/ peer-reviewed.
Primary Search This database provides access to articles on many topics. The database is designed for school children with the core of the database being Funk and Wganall's Encyclopedia for Kids. Users can limit searches to full-text and scholarly/ peer-reviewed articles.
Professional Development Collection This database provides access to articles on topics related to Classroom Management, Education, Leadership, Theory, and more. Users can limit searches to full-text and scholarly/ peer-reviewed articles.
Project Gutenberg This database provides access to ebooks that are free from copyright. Included are most of the classics as well as some major historical documents. Emphasis is on the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. All content is available in full-text.
Project Muse This database provides access to articles on topics related to art, cultural studies, gender, history, literature and criticism, and more. Most articles are scholarly/ peer-reviewed. Users can limit searches to full-text articles.
ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source Search full-text journals and dissertations in ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source alongside Systematic Reviews, Evidence Summaries, and Best Practice Information Sheets from the renowned Joanna Briggs Institute.
PsycCRITIQUES (Archive) An archive of PsycCRITIQUES, a database of the American Psychological Association that ceased publication December 31, 2017. Contains over 43,000 full-text reviews of books in psychology and the social sciences, as well as professional videos and popular films from a psychological perspective. Reviews occasionally include comparative or retrospective book reviews. Does not require login for remote access.
PsychINFO This database provides access to articles on topics related to anthropology, behavior, psychology, social relations, and more. Users can limit searches to full-text and scholarly/ peer-reviewed articles.
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection This database provides access to articles on topics related to Anthropology, Mental Measurements, Psychology, Relationships, and more. Users can limit searches to full-text and scholarly/ peer-reviewed articles.
Public Administration Abstracts The index contains more than 93,600 records indexing essential areas related to public administration, including public administration theory, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline. Coverage is from 1974 to the present.
PubMed This database provides access to articles on topics related to Clinical trials, Diseases, Health, History of Medicine, Toxicology, and more. Most articles are scholarly/ peer-reviewed. Users cannot limit searches to full-text articles.
Race Relations Abstracts The index contains more than 49,500 records covering essential areas related to race relations, including ethnic studies, discrimination, immigration studies, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline. Coverage is from 1975 to the present.
Regional Business News Regional Business News provides full-text regional business publications for the United States and Canadian provinces. Users can search newspapers, magazines, and other resources from trusted news sources.
Religion and Philosophy Collection This database provides access to topics related to Biblical studies, epistemology, morality, philosophy, religion, theology, and more. Users can limit searches to full-text and scholarly/ peer-reviewed articles.
Resources for College Libraries (RCLweb) Developed by an editorial team of more than 400 subject editors and bibliographers from ACRL's Choice and Bowker, RCLweb is the premier list of resources that are considered essential for undergraduate study. Features over 85,000 print and electronic titles in 117 subjects.
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature This database provides access to articles on topics related to composers, concerts, instruments, music, theory, and more. Users can limit searches to full-text and scholarly/ peer-reviewed articles.
SAGE eBook Collection Almost 5,000 ebooks from SAGE Publications and CQ Press on a range of subjects including business and management, counseling, criminology, education, geography and environmental sciences, media and communication, politics, psychology, and sociology. Funding provided by the Affordable Learning LOUISiana project of LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network.
Salem History Decades Salem History Decades series examines the iconic personalities and moments that defined each decade from the 1930s to the 1990s. The database cover events, movements, people, and trends in popular culture, literature, art, sports, science, technology, economics, and politics in both the United States and Canada. Full text searching is available as well as browsing by category, decade, geographic location, and topic.
Sanborn Maps of Louisiana Sanborn maps offers hundreds of historical maps covering over 150 Louisiana towns and cities. Maps range from 19th to mid-20th Century, and can be downloaded in PDF format.
Saskia Library A digital archive of approximately 34,000 art images (paintings, sculpture, and architecture) from over 100 museums. Images are displayed in both high resolution and thumbnail formats and may be downloaded. Useful to students studying not only art and art history but also a range of humanities disciplines.
Science and Technology Collection This database provides access to articles on topics related to aeronautics, biology, chemistry, computer science, physics, science, and more. Users can limit searches to full-text and scholarly/ peer-reviewed articles.
ScienceDirect From SciVerse, this scientific database contains more than 10 million journal articles and book chapters from peer-reviewed sources.
Scribner Writers Series This database provides essays on topics related to literature and literary biography. Users can search by ethnicity, genre, name, period, and more. All content is full-text.
Serials Directory This database provides bibliographic and pricing information for 178,000 journals, magazines, newspapers, and periodicals. Updated quarterly.
Shock & Vibration Digest The index contains more than 100,000 records which are selected from the most important sources within the discipline, such as: Journal of Sound and Vibration, Journal of Vibration & Control, etc. EBSCO has digitized the full archive of this index, offering coverage back to 1969, providing users access to critical information from many sources unique to this database.
Smithsonian Collections Search Center This database provides searching of over 16 million records of museum objects, archives and library materials including more than 5.1 million online images, audio & videos and blog posts.
SocINDEX with full text This database provides access to articles on topics related to anthropology, criminal justice, history, sociology, social studies, and more. Users may limit searches to full-text and scholarly/ peer-reviewed articles.
Something About the Author Online Electronic version of the print series of the same name, features more than 217 volumes, 12,000 entries, and nearly 17,000 images.
Teacher Reference Center This database provides access to articles on topics related to assessment, classroom management, education, literacy standards, school administration, and more. Users can limit searches to full-text and scholarly/ peer-reviewed articles.
Twayne's Author Series This database provides access to essays on topics related to literary biography, criticism, genres, and more. All material is available in full-text. The essays are not scholarly/ peer-reviewed.
Urban Studies Abstracts The index contains more than 45,000 records which are carefully selected from over 200 journals and other periodicals, including the most important sources within the discipline such as Urban Affairs Review, Urban Studies, Journal of Urban Affairs, and more.
Value Line Online version of Value Line Investment Survey. Consists of professional research and recommendations on approximately 1,700 stocks representing approximately 90% of the trading volume of all stocks traded in U.S. markets.
Vente et Gestion This database provides access to articles on topics related to accounting, business, finance, manufacturing, marketing, technology, and more. Users can limit searches to full-text and scholarly/ peer-reviewed articles.
Content is in French.
Violence & Abuse Abstracts Violence & Abuse Abstracts includes bibliographic records covering essential areas related to violence and abuse, including family violence, sexual assault, emotional abuse, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline.
WorldCat Discovery Search for books, journals, etc. at the McNeese Library. Also find other libraries in the area that have your item. WorldCat local is especially useful when seeking to order copies of materials through InterLibrary Loan (ILL).