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Citation Style Guides: Articles

General Form


Author last name, first. "Title of article." Journal name

     Volume number, no. issue number (Date): Pages.


Endnote/ footnote:

     Author first name last name, "Title," Journal name

Volume number, no. issue number (Date): page number.


Turabian, Kate. A Manual for Writers. 7th ed. (2007) Sec. 17.2.2.


Articles - one author Sec 17.2.1:


Green, Nancy L. "The Politics of Exit: Reversing the

     Immigration Paradigm," Journal of Modern

     History 77 (June 2005): 263-289.


Endnote/ footnote:

     Nancy L. Green, "The Politics of Exit: Reversing

the Immigration Paradigm," Journal of Modern

History 77 (June 2005): 269. 


Articles - multiple authors Sec. 17.2.1:

For articles with 2-3 authors, list all authors.  For 3+ authors, list only the first author followed by "et. al."


Finnell, Joshua and Walter Fontane."Reference Question

     Data Mining: A Systematic Approach to Library Outreach,"

     Reference and User Services Quarterly 49, no. 2 (Spring

     2010): 278-286. 


Shank, Russell et. al. "The  JAL Guide to New Books and

     Book Reviews: Librarianship," Journal of Academic

     Librarianship 4 no. 1 (March 1978): 36-38. 


Endnote/ footnote:

     Joshua Finnell and Walter Fontane, "Reference Question

Data Mining: A Systematic Approach to Library Outreach,"

Reference and User Services Quarterly 49, no. 2 (Spring

2010): 281.


     Russell Shank et. al. "The JAL Guide to New Books and

Book Reviews: Librarianship," Journal of Academic

Librarianship 4 no. 1 (March 1978): 285-286.


Newspaper - Print Sec. 17.4:


You generally do not include newspaper stories in your bibliography.


Endnote/ footnote:

     Blair Kamin, "Wrigley Building clearly a landmark,"

Chicago Tribune, July 1, 2005. 


Article in Database Sec. 17.2.7:

If you locate an article in a database with PDF accessibility, cite the PDF as a print source.  It is much easier!

Some databases do not allow for linking individual URLs (Ebscohost databases) or DOIs (preferred).  When citing from these, in place of the URL, write the name of the database in italics and follow it with

Date of access is optional.  If included, put it before the URL or DOI.  Turabian, 7th ed. puts the date in parentheses after the URL; but the Chicago Manual, 16th ed. (more current) says put the date before the URL/ DOI.


Shapiro, Lawrence A. "Multiple Realizations." Journal of

     Philosophy 97, no. 12 (December 2000): 635-54.

     Accessed June 27, 2006,



Kiser, Lisa J. "Silencing the Lambs: Economics, Ethics,

     and Animal Life in Medieval Franciscan Hagiography,"

     Modern Philology 108 no. 3 (February 2011): 323-42,

     accessed September 18, 2011,


Endnote/ footnote:

     Lawrence A. Shapiro, "Multiple Realizations," Journal of

Philosophy 97, no. 12 (December 2000): 635-54, accessed

June 27, 2006,


     Lisa J. Kiser, "Silencing the Lambs: Economics, Ethics,

and Animal Life in Medieval Franciscan Hagiography."

Modern Philology 108, no. 3 (February 2011): 340, accessed

September 18, 2011.



Article published online Sec. 17.2.7:

If it is lacking page numbers, you may insert directions to help others locate your source material.


Uzzi, Brian, and Jarrett Spiro. "Collaboration and Creativity:

     The Small World Problem." American Journal of Sociology

     111, no. 2 (September 2005). http://www.journals.uchicago

     .edu/AJS/journal/issues/v111n2/090090.html (accessed

     December 19, 2005).


Endnote/ Footnote:

     Brian Uzzi and Jarrett Spiro, "Collaboration and Creativity:

The Small World Problem." American Journal of Sociology

111, no. 2 (September 2005).

/AJS/journal/issues/v111n2/090090.html (accessed December

19, 2005).



Newspaper article - online Sec. 17.4.2:


You generally do not include newspaper stories in your bibliography.


Endnote/ Footnote:

     Dave Hoekstra, "Restoring a Legacy," Chicago Sun-Times,

December 19, 2005, under "Home Away from Home," http://

(accessed December 19, 2005).

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