Use the Library catalog or browse the circulating and reference stacks in these call number ranges:
B 108-708 Philosophy, Ancient
BL 300-325 Mythology, General
BL 720-820 Mythology, Classical (Etruscan, Greek, Roman)
BL 830-875 Mythology, Germanic and Norse
BL 1600-1685 Mythology, Ancient Near Eastern
CB 305-311 History of Civilization, Ancient
D 51-90 History, Ancient (General)
DE 1-100 History of the Greco-Roman World
DF 10-289 Ancient Greece
DG 11-365 Ancient Rome
DF 501-649 Byzantine Empire
DT 56.8-93 Ancient Egypt
DS 56-62.25 Mesopotamia
DS 65-75 Mesopotamia
HC 31-39 Economic history, Ancient
JC 51-93 Ancient state & Political theory in antiquity
PA 1-99 Classical Philology
PA 3001-3043 Classical Literature
PA 3051-4505 Greek Literature
PA 6000-6971 Roman Literature
N 5300-5925 Art in the Ancient Mediterranean
Q 124.95 Science, Ancient
S 421-431 Agriculture, Ancient
T 16 Technology, Ancient
For a large list of recommended books look at this database:
Resources for College Libraries (RCLweb)
Listed are 85,000 books in 47 subjects including Classical languages and literatures (1194 titles) and ancient history (747 titles). McNeese will have only a small percentage, but most should be available via interlibrary loan.
McNeese State University Frazar Memorial Library |
Box 91445 |
Lake Charles, LA 70609 |
337-475-5725 |
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4205 Ryan St., Lake Charles, LA 70609 |
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