To check out material fill out a Request For Library Material form, if the location is CORE it will be pulled immediately. Items located in the general collection will be pulled from the old library, you will be notified when they have been pulled. You can fill out the request form online, on the library web page locate Search the Library Catalog/ Request Materials.
A student, faculty or staff must have their current McNeese ID card with them to check out material. "A Friend of the Library" or a LALINC student must have their current card with them, to check out material.
To check your account online you will be asked for your user ID and PIN.
The user ID for students, faculty and staff is comprised of your Banner number, plus 2 additional digits: "01" for faculty and staff "02" for students.
The user ID for Friends of the Library or LALINC student is the number from your card, plus 2 additional digits: "02" for LALINC students "03" for Friends of the Library Examples: 99999999901 (faculty and staff) 55555555502 (student and LALINC) 11111111103 (Friends)
Do not include any dashes or spaces.
PIN numbers are unique identifiers for library customers. Your PIN number can be obtained by accessing My Account then Email Me My PIN.
If you encounter any problems with your PIN contact the Reference Desk from the following contact points Phone: 475-5725, e-mail: or chat with a Librarian.
ILL (Inter-Library Loan) Items
ILL items can be picked-up from circulation, a current McNeese ID or "Friends of the Library" card will need to be shown before the items can be picked-up.
When you are through with your ILL items bring them to circulation and let them know the items are being returned.
Reserve items can be found at the Circulation Dept.
Reserve loan periods are selected by the faculty submitter, examples: 1 hour, 2 hours, 1 day, or 2 days.
Reserve items may not be renewed, and some items are restricted to library use only.
The Circulation Department checks out material for most of the library's collection. A current McNeese ID card serves as the library card for McNeese students and faculty or staff. "Friends of the Library" are issued a different card. LALINC students have a special card that is issued from their university library.
Members of the General Public may join the "Friends of the Library" for a $15.00 annual fee. These members are granted the same term of loan as students. Membership forms are available at the Circulation Desk.
Loan periods are as follows:
Group | Term of Loan | |
Faculty/Staff | end of semester | |
Students/LALINC | 3 weeks | |
Friends | 3 weeks |
Faculty/Staff may renew materials only 1 time after the initial loan period has elapsed. Students may renew materials up to 3 times after the initial loan period. Renewals can be done online, go to MY Account in the online public catalog. Reserve materials and items which are on hold for someone cannot be renewed.
Faculty and other staff members may put items on reserve at the Circulation Desk. Reserve loan periods are selected by the faculty submitter, examples: 1 hour, 2 hours, 1 day, or 2 days. Reserve items may not be renewed, and some items are restricted to library use only.
Hold and Recall requests may be placed on items currently on loan to another patron. Hold and Recall requests may be placed in writing at the Circulation Desk.
For a Hold, once the requested item is returned, the requestor will be called, letting them know the item is now available. Hold items will be held for 10 days. For a Recall, the customer who currently has the item will be called, asking that they return it before the original due date. Recalled items will then be held for 10 days and the requestor called stating that the item is now available.
Hold or Recall requests cannot be processed if the requesting customer has a block on their library record or is not currently enrolled/active.
If you are unable to locate an item on the shelves, come check at the Circulation Desk. The item may be waiting to be shelved or it may be missing. Circulation staff will search for the item and let you know the outcome. If they are unable to locate the item you can request it from another library through the ILL Dept.
Overdue notices sent out at: 1 week & 2 weeks.
Bill notices sent out at: 4 weeks & 6 weeks. You are billed for: the replacement cost of unreturned materal and a processing fee of $25 per item.
Penalties for everyone with bills: blocked from checking out materilas, and could eventually be sent to a collection agency. Penalities for students with bills: blocked from registering for classes, blocked from receiving transcripts, eventually sent to collections agency.
Billed items returned within 6 months of due date: student's accounts will be credited for item cost, all others may request a refund.
The Circulation Dept. has a lost/found area for items left in the library. If you find items in the library bring them to the Circulation Desk.
For further information please contact Mary Jane Bloomquist, Circulation Librarian, at (337) 475-5718 or Circulation Staff at (337) 475-5723.
For further information please contact
Mary Jane Bloomquist, Circulation Librarian
(337) 475-5718
Circulation Staff
(337) 475-5723.
The Circulation Dept. has a lost/found area for items left in the library.
If you find items in the library bring them to the Circulation Desk.
Five or more people needing a group study room can call 475-5609 for information or go to the New Ranch Room 207, there are a limited number of rooms available.
The new library location in Parra does not have any Group Study Rooms.
McNeese State University Frazar Memorial Library |
Box 91445 |
Lake Charles, LA 70609 |
337-475-5725 |
McNeese State University |
4205 Ryan St., Lake Charles, LA 70609 |
A member of the University of Louisiana System |
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