The LALINC (Louisiana Academic Library Information Network Corporation) Borrowing Card allows McNeese faculty, staff, graduate students, and anyone enrolled in a Distance Education course to borrow books and use the services and resources of all universities in the LALINC program.
Students should call before they come in (475-5716), to make sure the person who handles the LALINC cards is available. McNeese Students will need to go to the Library Director's Office for a LALINC Application. You must have your student ID with you. After filling out the application you will be given a card. You must submit this card to the library of the university you will be attending.
On your first visit, please bring your driver's license and LALINC card to the Circulation Department. You will need to do this during normal business hours 8-4:30 Monday-Friday. When the LALINC card is verified, the Circulation staff will enter your information into the system. The checkout period is three weeks. By participating in the LALINC program, a student agrees to abide by the lending policies of participating universities and is responsible for the materials borrowed. NOTE: If lending policies are habitually violated, LALINC privileges could be expired. If you have any questions about the program please contact the Circulation Department Head at 337-475-5718 or
McNeese State University Frazar Memorial Library |
Box 91445 |
Lake Charles, LA 70609 |
337-475-5725 |
McNeese State University |
4205 Ryan St., Lake Charles, LA 70609 |
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